Fuel cells, like the hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells that are looking so promising, use the same idea except instead of being sealed, they accept a continuous flow of the two chemicals from storage tanks: This allows them to operate indefinitely. These zinc-air batteries are exactly half way in b...
The party was based on the ability of sodium to separate hydrogen from water, an ability shared by all the elements in the alkali metals group (the left-most column of the periodic table). If you drop sodium into water, it tears the water apart, releasing hydrogen gas into the air. The...
On my Noble Rack page I have all the pictures collected, along with pictures of arcs I made in my other collection of noble gas flasks. This oxygen tube is not installed in the table, because it's so dim you couldn't really see it, and it's said to not last very long. So I ...
Note that hydrogen is unique — it may be grouped with the alkali metals (like lithium) because it has one electron available to donate, grouped with the halogens (like fluorine) because gaining one electron will fill its valence shell, or it may be put in a group of its own. Spiral ...
Actually, I did pretty well with the valve itself, after I had used a fork to dig out most of the sodium: It sizzled quite a bit and the valve stem got warm, but I never let it get hot enough to actually catch the evolved hydrogen on fire. The problem originated with the few ...
To illustrate this point, we discuss the ten elements in the first row of the periodic table, from hydrogen to neon, showing how their binding properties (valences) depend on the energies and shapes of their wave functions. The images invoked depend on viewing the wave functions as charge ...
Byanon45272— On Sep 15, 2009 Hydrogen is such a better source of fuel. The US Department of Energy states this in their 2007 report. We are a research and development company called thehydrogentoystore. we help semi trucks gain 50 percent more miles per gallon. Imagine how much this wou...
This sample shows the appearance of the metal when dropped into a bucket of water. The metal is taken to just barely above its melting point, then poured in from close to the water surface, a potentially dangerous operation particularly in the case of aluminum (which can form hydrogen gas ...
It combines easily in this way with hydrogen and with metals to form chlorides, as well as combining readily with many organic compounds. Production This element is produced industrially mainly by the electrolysis of solutions of common salt (sodium chloride). The process splits the salt into ...
Click here to buy a book, photographic periodic table poster, card deck, or 3D print based on the images you see here! Bulk Commercial Grade. This is nice clean bulk grade antimony metal, in the form of broken polycrystalline lumps. I've melted and cast this stuff (see next two samples...