In contrast to oral herpes, genital herpes infections are caused by a different virus known as HSV-2 or HHV-2. The genital herpes virus spreads through direct genital contact and is considered an STD. More than 87% of those infected with genital herpes are unaware of their infection due to...
In contrast to oral herpes, genital herpes infections are caused by a different virus known as HSV-2 or HHV-2. The genital herpes virus spreads through direct genital contact and is considered an STD. More than 87% of those infected with genital herpes are unaware of their infection due to...
Sick unhealthy woman at home touching inflamed swollen glands Dimaberlin Portrait of mature woman with make-up mirror massaging her face and neck valeriygoncharukphoto A man seems to be experiencing discomfort or pain in his throat, possibly indicating an illness voronaman111 hoarseness ...
a device that is fitted to an instrument in order to reduce the amount of noise that it makes, or to a camera, amicrophone, etc. to reduce the amount of noise coming from things that you do not want to record (old-fashioned)a thick piece of cloth worn around the neck to ke...
swollen lymph glands on the neck a smooth spot where the hair has fallen off, and an intensely inflamed mass similar to an abscess. In severe cases, a large, pus-filled mass called a kerion may develop. What Is Athlete’s Foot?
are by far the most common. The scalp is in fact more at risk of an infection at times. A combination of factors like unwashed hair, overactive oil glands, harsh hair treatments, perspiration and so on may increase the risk of infections as compared to the skin elsewhere on the body. ...
swollen lymph glands on the neck a smooth spot where the hair has fallen off, and an intensely inflamed mass similar to an abscess. In severe cases, a large, pus-filled mass called a kerion may develop. What Is Athlete’s Foot?
Symptoms include sore throat, fever, headache, belly pain, and swollen neck glands. After 1-2 days, a red rash with a sandpaper texture shows up. After 7-14 days, the rash rubs off. Scarlet fever is very contagious, so wash hands often to keep it from spreading. Call your child's ...
Small glands in your neck, armpits, or groin, calledlymph nodes, are part of your immune system. When you’re fighting an infection, they can swell to pea-size lumps or larger. They get smaller as you get better. But tell a doctor if they’re swollen for 2 weeks or more, feel hard...
Bartholin's cyst: cystic enlargement of small glands near the vaginal opening Nabothian cyst: a mucus-filled cyst on the surface of the uterine cervix Pilonidal cysts: cysts that arise in the soft tissue at the base of the tailbone (coccyx) of the lower back, just above the natal cleft ...