Scalp psoriasismay appear as small, powdery scales or as thick, crusty scales that more closely resemble psoriasis on other parts of the body. Scalp psoriasis may be mistaken for dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis, but it is typically a different color. Scalp psoriasis scales are silvery, while s...
Psoriasis commonly affects the skin of the elbows, knees, and scalp. The spectrum of this disease ranges from mild with limited involvement of small areas of skin to severe, with large, thick plaques to red inflamed skin affecting the entire body surface. Psoriasis is considered an incurable, ...
Psoriasis is caused by inflammation. There are several different types of psoriasis. Clinical types of psoriasis include pustular psoriasis, erythrodermic psoriasis, or guttate psoriasis. Psoriasis is typically found on the knees, elbows, lower back, and
A rash is not a specific diagnosis. Instead, it refers to any sort of inflammation and/or discoloration that distorts the skin's normal appearance. Common skin rashes includeCOVID-19rash,eczema,poison ivy,hives, andathlete's foot. Infections that cause rashes may be fungal, bacterial, parasit...
What Are the Different Types of Rashes? Rashes may be divided into two types: infectious or noninfectious. While there are many different types, rashes may basically be divided into two types: infectious or noninfectious. Noninfectious rashes include eczema, contact dermatitis, psoriasis, seborrheic...
Since toenail fungus can look like other conditions, including psoriasis, you'll want to have your toenail checked by a doctor. You may need to see a specialist who cares for feet (a podiatrist) or skin (a dermatologist). They might scrape off some of the affected part and send it to ...
Coxsackievirus:This virus causes a rash in children, often on their hands, feet, and in their mouth, hence its popular name,hand, foot, and mouthdisease. In adults, it can cause symptoms like the common cold. Less common causes of SJS ...
Eczema on the Foot This patient has eczema on the foot. As seen are symptoms of red, dry and flaking skin. Next NextWhat Is Eczema? Eczema is a pattern of skin disease. It includes smaller-in-size, raised blisters on the skin that sometimes ooze fluids. In older eczema, the skin beco...
Athlete’s foot: Fungal infection. Strikes between the toes and on the soles. Causes a red rash and broken skin that can be itchy or painful. Psoriasis: Autoimmune disease. The immune system attacks skin cells. Cells build up and form plaques with silvery scales. ...
skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema, injury, and a buildup of thick corns due to toes pressing into each other. Athletes are more likely to get athlete’s foot because they fall into many categories at risk for this infection, including ...