Good. Time for one of our little heart-to-hearts? Miss Honey: Actually, it's about the new girl in my class, Miss Trunchbull. Matilda Wormwood. Trunchbull: Her father says she's a real wart. [As she pours a glass of water] A carbuncle. A blister. A festering pustule of ...
Hearts from space (Image credit: NASA) Friday, February 14, 2025: What a day for hearts! They say opposites attract, and NASA thinks so too. NASA's Earth Observatory website posted this lovely pair today, for Valentines Day. Pictured on the left, frozen Lake Saint Clair in the North Am...
Home page of Pictures of Moss, an indie group from Fort Collins. Pictures of Moss is a powerhouse trio from Fort Collins, Colorado, focusing on music best described as Post Rock Heartswell. The band features vocal compositions about the world we live in,
Lucille Love: The Girl of Mystery (1914) Neptune's Daughter (1914) Samson and Delilah (1914) The Spy (1914) The Trey o' Hearts (1914) Richelieu (1914) Damon and Pythias (1914) The Master Key (1914) The Opened Shutters (1914) Called Back (1914) Phantom of the Violin (1914) The Bl...
flaming plume agate sterling silver $2175.99 Similar piece available on custom order also available in 14k, 18k gold 75mm x 34mm x 6mm item #GoddessOfManyColors Call or email for purchase arrangements phone: 919-742-3945 Email: Back View click here Soul Shield ...
Of unpaid dues and I love you’s Tearing apart like paper Our deep hearts pounding like a kettle drum Fists beating its gates like a Gatling gun This world is unforgiving The earth has skipped a beat We land inside our brother’s keep Bringing oil to bathe its feet But It knows where ...
In the first rose a bird was hatched; its flight was like that of light, its colours beautiful, its song magnificent. But when Eve plucked the fruit of knowledge, when she and Adam were driven from the garden of Paradise, a spark from the avenging angel’s flaming sword fell into the ...
(Flaming Gorge Nat’l Rec Area, in recent posts, is an example.) Rich and I have talked about writing a book together, but it was only a couple of years ago that we got serious about the idea, and settled on a format. Rich refers to my contributions as a “warm & fuzzy ...
KIND HEARTS AND CORONETS (Robert Hamer) ▪ 137 - 146 - 158 - 175 - 207 - 225 - 193 - 193 - 195 - 209 - 225 - 215 - 224 - 227 - 224 - 234 - 228 - 258 - 267KING KONG (Merian C. Cooper & Ernest B. Schoedsack) ▪ 100 - 96 - 106 - 115 - 110 - 108 - 106 - ...
my son is 29. For the last 10 years, he has had gradual sleep deprivation because of incontrollable anxiety at night (never during the day). In the last 2 years, his new physician and his (first) psychiatrist have diagnosed that his adrenaline functions like if he was running on a trea...