Dog foods and vegetarian-type pet foods should be avoided because of the high level of vegetable proteins and fiber in them. Avoid diets that are composed of vegetables and grains. Cat food too will not suffice because they do not have enough protein in them. Use a heavy food dish to put...
“The blisters look like dew drops scattered on skin. They are in a lot of different phases. Some are just coming on, others are more fully formed and others are crusted and drying up,” said Dr. Jenny Murase.Petko Ninov / Getty Images stock If it’s diagnosed early, you can treat ...
hair, and nails, much like a mushroom can grow on the bark of a tree. Dermatophytes cause superficial infections—so-called because they occur on the surface of the skin.
hair, and nails, much like a mushroom can grow on the bark of a tree. Dermatophytes cause superficial infections—so-called because they occur on the surface of the skin.
Besides a sore throat that starts quickly, you can have pain when you swallow, a fever, red and swollen tonsils that sometimes have white patches or streaks of pus, red spots on the roof of your mouth, and swollen lymph nodes in the front of the neck. It's likely not strep if you ...
The 12-year-old girl's body exhibited evidence of a gruesome crocodile attack. Read to learn more. 13.7-Foot-Long Crocodile That Possibly Ate a Pet Dog Caught by Authorities After Attacking Houseboat; How Common Are These Croc Attacks?
except I had pain in my arm and I couldn't use that arm to lift much. Then, on Friday, I came down with a stiff neck and bad headache that lasted until the following Monday, one week after I got the shot. Don't know if it's related but this was one of the worst headaches I...
They can appear anywhere on your body, but they are most common on the face, neck, armpits, thighs andbuttocks, according to theMayo Clinic. You may develop a singleboil(also known as a furuncle versus carbuncle, which is a cluster of boils). Carbuncles are more serious, and you may ...
I have had great results with using neem tree oil to deter fleas. I will mix a little of this in with the shampoo when I give my dog a bath, and we haven't had any flea problems since. I also like to use it in a mixture on my houseplants to keep the bugs and pests from dest...
They have spent thousands of dollars on the dog over the past 3 months. She went in to be spayed almost 4 weeks ago and came home snorting terribly. Within hours they brought her back to the vet and she was put on antibiotics again. She has continued to get worse and finally my ...