(5 on each side of the upper and lowerjaws) to 4, may be rooted or rootless and ever-growing, and may be low- or high-crowned. The nature of thejawarticulationensures that incisors do not meet when food is chewed and that upper and lower cheek teeth (premolars and molars) do not ...
No one has talked about a reason for hypoplasia of teeth could be Celiac disease. Found this out after diagnosing myself and tons of research. Byanon157960— On Mar 05, 2011 i am a dental nurse in the uk and brought my son to work as i noticed another hole in his baby tooth. He ...
Mulberry molars are physically defective permanent molars. The deformity is caused by congenital syphilis. This type of abnormality is characterized by dwarfed molars with cusps covered with globular enamel growths. These teeth are functional but can be cosmetically fixed with crowns, bridges, or ...