HD0:05 Cows Calves 4K0:16 Switzerland Swiss Alps HD0:15 Cow Cattle Farm Animal HD0:20 Clouds Pasture Cows 4K0:19 Cow Bovine Livestock HD0:05 Next page Page 1 of 4 Over 5.3 million+ high quality stock images, videos and music shared by our talented community. Discover Editor's ChoiceCura...
Each female herd will have at least one bull with them that participates in helping to protect the cows and calves from predators. Herds come together in the winter for defense but separate during the breeding season.Breeding CycleIn late June, family herds of cows separate to form smaller ...
Of these, the Burma Banteng (B. j. birmanicus) subspecies is classified as Critically Endangered. Several hundred bulls and cows representing all three subspecies are protected within wildlife sanctuaries around the world. Other than mankind, their primary predators are the dhole, and to a ...
Due to its size and the protection afforded by living in a herd, the bison have few enemies besides humans. Grizzly bears and wolves may attempt to attack young calves or subadults, but only in the dead of winter when the herd cannot expend the energy to protect stragglers. A wolf pack...
Herds consist of bulls (males), cows (females), and calves (young). Caribou herds are constantly moving in search of food. Caribou migrate further than any other land mammal; some herds have been documented traveling 5,000 km (3,105 miles) in search of food. ...
A giraffe mother and her baby on the African savannah. Giraffes are not territorial, although they live in groups (called a “tower”) of 12-15 giraffes, with an older male (bull) leading them. The females (cows) carry one baby at a time for 15 months before giving birth. When the ...
Veal is the meat of young cattle, usually male calves of dairy cows. The types of veal are determined by diet, with milk-fed veal...
Male killer whales, or bulls, begin maturing at 12 to 14 years of age and over the next few years, grow very quickly and attain physical maturity at about 20 years. Most males probably reach a length of 8 to 9 metres. Females, or cows, average about 7 metres in length and reach rep...
Giraffe calves depend on their mother for protection, many don’t live past 1 year, due to predation from lions. Giraffe Defenses Adult male Giraffes are large and imposing. A single lion or hyena is no match. It would take a full pride of lions to take one down, and even then many ...
Though not the most storied cut of veal, the slow-cooked cheeks of baby cows are considered by many to be a delicacy. Referring to the actual cheeks of the mammalian face and not the rump versions, veal cheeks are the heavily worked jowl muscles of the young cow, used to suckle and ea...