Some dermatologists have reported cases of so-called "COVID toe" in both adults and children. Some patients found it painful when their toes were pressed, and others did not. What Are the Different Types of Rashes? Rashes may be divided into two types: infectious or noninfectious. While th...
Certain toys contain chemicals that can be harmful to the human body, resulting in various uncomfortable symptoms such as itching, burning, rashes, and tissue damage. One particular chemical found in many sex toys is phthalates, which help bind materials together and increase flexibility in plastic...
Skin inflammation, changes in texture or color, and spots may result from infection, a chronic skin condition, or contact with an allergen or irritant. If you think you have one of these common adult skin problems, have your doctor check it out. Most are minor, but others can signal somet...
Your skin breaks out in itchy rashes, painful blisters, or crusty sores. Allergies? Eczema? The answer could be a viral infection. Find out more from WebMD.
Rashes produced by bacterial infections The most common bacterial infectionsof the skin arefolliculitisandimpetigo.Staphorstrepgerms may cause folliculitis and/or impetigo, two conditions that are much more common in children than adults. Eruptions caused by bacteria are often pustular (the bumps are to...
Itchy skin is a common symptom of food allergy. The most common food allergies are cow’s milk, egg, peanut, tree nuts, soy, shellfish, and finned fish.22 Can COVID cause rashes on skin? Although infrequent, there have been reports of rashes on the skin due to COVID infection. COVID...
Because the symptoms are so vague it is often hard to diagnosis the shingles rash and can be confused with other types of rashes. For healthy people it is not a dangerous disease but if you have a compromised immune system it can cause life threatening complications. ...
Teenagers and young adults are more susceptible to the infection than others. The abnormal skin rashes may become more noticeable after contact with sunlight. Tinea versicolor is treated with topical antifungal medications. The discoloration may however continue for several weeks even after a successful...
infection in America. Though more common in teens and young adults, anyone who is sexually active is potentially at risk. The risk is raised by having multiple sex partners. The incidence of some sexually transmitted diseases, including LGV and syphilis, is increasing in men who have sex with...
Coxsackievirus:This virus causes a rash in children, often on their hands, feet, and in their mouth, hence its popular name,hand, foot, and mouthdisease. In adults, it can cause symptoms like the common cold. Less common causes of SJS ...