This is nothing short of one of the most unbelievably unique experiences I’ve ever had with a film. Sweat, booze and violence just oozes out of the screen in this fish out of water story of a vacation gone awry. A mild-mannered schoolteacher, John Grant, finds himself deep in the ari...
“This kind of data collection on transgender status is very new for youth,” and some of the increase could be because more states are asking about transgender status during surveys of high school students, Mallory said. “But you know, some of it is probably youth feeling more comfortable ...
but have seen plenty of people do) cause someone to go completely out of their head, and say things that have no bearing in reality, slap their best friend, hit on a fat girl, punch their business partner, and scream at a cop all within an hour. Alcohol...
He makes a lot of noise, but underneath you realize that he's a bit of a pussycat and Sullivan was that guy. Not that Sullivan is a pussycat, but he's a really sweet, excitable guy and that's exactly what I wanted Craig to be. I didn't want him to be just a speed head, ...
I feel good within my body but I am ashamed of it at the same time. I have recently become single and the thought of getting intimate with someone new fills me with dread. Seeing here that there are other women struggling with the same has given me hope. I can’t change my body and...
When I was a student, if you were sent to the office, it wasterrifying,resulting in instant nausea and incredible fear and dread. In all my years of high school, I didn’t even know what the principal’s office looked like and that was fine with me. On the rare occasion that one ...
Make Your Own NON Dead-Blow Hammer!: A Dead-Blow Hammer is a hammer that doesn't bounce back up when hit, and less force is required when using it, because of it's weight. This type of hammer also saves a lot of time and effort, when compared to a regula
I had a motion picture running in my head of today’s ‘fresh off the grill’ memories when I suddenly realized that I was clueless as to where we were. I immediately arrested, stymied by our location and asked in a whiney voice, “Damn Suze, where are we and how exactly did we ...
The latest hallucinations were a couple of months ago when I got married and moved in with my husband. I woke up freaking out and pointing at a black dog by the bed. I scared my husband and my white dog started to bark at the space where the black dog was. I have no idea why ...
and the hearts' of the traitorous rebels sink down below their boots. We want to inspire that same amount of dread with all the details we put into our CAT-CAT. The details you add from here on out really help bring your CAT-CAT to life, and the results are definitely worth the ...