itching, swelling and/or hives on the skin. However, some people have a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction to bee stings called anaphylaxis. Symptoms of this type of reaction are more serious and may cause severe throat and/...
Craig, the most flamboyant Cody, was covered in tattoos - courtesy of the make-up department - and predominantly dressed in V-Neck singlets, jeans and the occasional pair of Chinese fishing pants, as his look was largely about showing off his body art. Darren, as befitting a 'hip' young...
Hymenoptera (Ants, Bees & Wasps): Over 130,000 named species including ants, bees, wasps and sawflies. Most are plant-eaters while some are predators. Many species have complex social networks with caste systems and division of labor like honey bee hives. Diptera (Flies & Mosquitoes): Extrem...
Los Angeles County has a population of 10 million. Theentire stateof Wisconsin has less than 6 million. However, we didn’t do the obvious thing and move to one of the adorable two towns (Madison, Milwaukee) that people call cities here. No, we moved to a rural area where the nearest...
tattoos and scorpion patches and so forth with the intention of warning people away. But whenever I've lived in an area where there were a lot of scorpions, people didn't see them as being any different from any other kind of bug, because they essentially aren't. They just look scary....
That blue-gray spot in the soft tissue of your mouth is probably not a tattoo—but it could look a lot like one. So-called amalgam tattoos aren't true tattoos, but they give the appearance of faded body ink. The cause is typically a small bit of amalgam filling that embeds into your...