Bee Balm When it blooms:Mid-summer Why we love it:The fringed flowers of bee balm are a favorite of all types of pollinators, from bees and butterflies to hummingbirds. It's also deer resistant so it's a great perennial for gardens where Bambi likes to browse. ...
Herb Pictures, Medicinal Plants, Wildflowers, Shrubs, Vines and Trees used for Herbal Remedies. Herb Stock Photography
Native toSouth Africa, calla lilies make a bold and cheerful display in gardens throughout the summer and the fall. These plants have an interesting appearance with trumpet-shaped flowers. They come in a wide variety of different colorsincluding white, and a uniquedeep black flower. ...
consider planting a variety of native flowering plants, such as bee balm, trumpet vine, and cardinal flower. Hang hummingbird feeders filled with a mixture of sugar water (one part sugar to four parts water) to supplement their nectar needs. ...