NOTE: Your finished piece will be different from mine. I got too small of a zipper, but it was all I could find since this pandemic has limited what's in stores. So, if you can get ahold of a 12" zipper, you will be good to go (and will avoid the problem I ran into later)!
If you would like to create your own baby Yoda, this tutorial will help you get started. This project will take a while to make but with quarantine in place you will have lots of time to complete this doll. What's great about making your own doll is it's completely customizeable to ...
"Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is."– Said by Yoda, that was. Write like this forever, I could. Talks like this, my Dutch grandfather does. His elation unscathed, he asks: And I say yes. Which causes him to change his assessment of the day: And within a few blocks, it g...
he might have been a great choice for Han Solo. However, Nolte was already in his early 40s at the time and too old to be Han Solo. But Nolte would eventually become part of the Star Wars Universe many years later. When he was just shy of 80 years old, he performed the...
Serve the coffee in small cups with a solid white inside Ask the person drinking the coffee to drink the coffee with intent, meaning to think about their questions as they drink. In some countries the person will be required to drink the coffee in a certain number of sips, usually 1,3,...
Now if you use multiple i2c devices your i2c address would be different, you can use I2C scanner code and find the i2c address of your device. Next we will clear display using display.clearDisplay(); command. display.clearDisplay(); Add a small delay and that’s all for setup. delay(...