Chicks are newly hatched baby chickens covered in soft delicate down feathers. These fuzzy peeping balls rapidly grow into juvenile pullets and cockerels in their first weeks. Beyond farmyards, symbolic chicks epitomize hope, rebirth and the arrival of Spring through arts and holidays celebrating rene...
Dyeing chicks is traditionally done to identify chicks from different groups of eggs. It is also done in many wildlife management studies. More commonly today, dyeing chicks is done simply to produce colorful chicks for Easter. Dyeing chicken embryos can harm them and the practice may cause death...
Observe the eggs to monitor their progress, but don't pick them up, turn them, or move the quail off of them. An interruption in the incubation process may result in the eggs going bad and not hatching. If they do hatch, it's possible the chick may not thrive, as it won't ...
Most backyard chicken farms start with a flock of baby chicks, so it is important that you give the chicks the right amount of nutrients and care so they grow into full, healthy chickens. Look for chick starter feed at your local farm supply store. Chick starter feed usually comes in a ...
Make sure the mother is caring for her baby budgies. Budgies generally take good care of their young, but keep an eye on the little family to make sure none of the babies are being neglected. If there are several babies, the mother may neglect the littlest chicks. You may want to ...