The polar bear is one of the main predators of seals that live in the Arctic. Bears and weasels are the pinniped's closest relatives on land. Seals are descended from land mammals. The pinnipeds branched off from their land-based relatives 50 million years ago. The closest living land rel...
Polar bears live above the Arctic Circle (北极圈) and eat fish and arctic mammals such as seals. Their bodies are different from those of other type of bears. Polar bears have webbed (有蹼的) feet for swimming, thicker fur and more body fat for living and swimming in cold conditions, ...
Penguins, seals, whales, albatrosses, icebergs, glaciers, ice shelves, sea ice, ice breakers, tour ships, polar bears, reindeer, mountains, solar halos, arctic wildflowers, scientific bases and many more. Images from both polar regions on a whole range of subjects. ...
However, part of the solution lies with the polar bears themselves Polar bears are highly speciaized. T his means that they have got used to in a specific area and eating speci fic food. Polar ears live above the Arctic Circle (北极圈)andeat fish and arctic mammals such as seals bodies...
Harp seals spend most of their time diving and swimming in the icy waters of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. These sleek swimmers often hunt for fish and crustaceans at 300 feet (90 meters) and may dive to nearly 1,000 feet (300 meters). They are able to remain submerged for up...
The ringed seal is the most common seal in the Arctic. It is one of several ‘ice seals’; seals whose entire life-cycles take place on ice rather than on land. The ringed seal is a member of the earless seal family, Phocidae. Members of this family, who are also known as ‘true...
Sea ice is ice made of frozen sea water, not all ice in the sea is sea ice, icebergs and the debris when they break up is freshwater from glaciers. In the winter months the surface area of Antarctica doubles as the sea freezes, when spring and summer arrive again it begins to melt ...
Their bodies are insulated by approximately 10cm of blubber which they build up during the winter months when they journey out onto the ice to feed on ringed seals. This is why the arctic sea ice is so vital to their survival. Each year large numbers of polar bears gather on the shores...
Polar bears are in the Arctic, but penguins live 4 in Antarctica. In the sea around both places you can see seals, whales and fish. And what about the 13 ? It's certainly very, very cold, but here's an interesting 14 . A few parts of the Arctic and most of Antarctica get almost...
Arctic Hares dig through winter snows to find sources of woody plants, lichens, and mosses. In warmer seasons they have easier access to tree bark, roots, berries, leaves, and buds.