The spine is the bony structure that rises up the middle of the back and encloses the spinal cord. In humans, the spine consists...
Japanese Pictures of Japanese Life, Tokyo (38 Honmura-cho, Yotsuya-ku), T. Hasegawa, c1905, 12mo (5 3/4 x 7 1/2 in - 15 x 19.4 cm), 9 folded crepe paper pages (including front and back cover), two stab silk ties, spine covered, reprint, 18 pp. The 38 Honmura-cho address...
Longspine Squirrelfish - Holocentrus rufus Tinsel Squirrelfish - Sargocentron suborbitalis Sabre Squirrelfish - Sargocentron spiniferum Panamic Soldierfish - Myripristis leiognathus Bigscale Soldierfish - Myripristis berndti GADIFORME PICTURES - IMAGES OF COD, WHITING, HADDOCK & POLLOCK Pacific Cod - ...
a deformation of the spine a deformation in the Earth's crust that allows a volcano to pierce through from below Word Origin Seedeformationin the Oxford Advanced American DictionarySeedeformationin the Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English ...
the boil is located on your face, near your spine, or near your anus; a boil is getting larger; the pain is severe; you have a fever; the skin around the boil turns red or red streaks appear; you have a heart murmur, diabetes, any problem with your immune system, or use immune-...
The net sternum-to-spine displacement, combined chest and mattress displacement, and axial reaction force were measured during each test. The experimental results were compared to theoretical predictions from the constant peak displacement CPR model.The theoretical model predictions matched the experimental...
The long, eerie howls produced by a pack of wolves are among the most spine-chilling of all animal sounds. You can find out more about the gray wolf on this page:Gray Wolf Facts You can find out more about the Eurasian wolf (a subspecies of gray wolf) here:Eurasian Wolf Facts ...
Plaque psoriasis can also develop on the scalp, neck, ears, and just above the buttocks adjacent to the lumbar spine. There may be only a few plaques or there may be a large number of them. The plaques tend to be more than half a centimeter (0.2 inches) in diameter and have very th...
but exiting the spinal cord and traveling to the various parts of the body that they innervate. Spinal nerves are paired, meaning that for any given nerve there is one supplying the right side of the body and one supplying the left side. Thirty-one pairs in total exit thespine, with appr...
plot of sci-fi film Fantastic Voyage.But such a robot is being developed and researchers hope to inject it into the body through the spinal canal where it will use its inbuilt camera to take images of patients who have suffered trauma, such as a fracture of the spine, or who have ...