tail, and probably weighed around 700 kg (1,450 lb), about the size of a cow, and the even larger, recently discovered Josephoartigasia monesi, which weighed about a metric ton, although the largest individuals may have weighed 2.5 tons. That's a big rodent. Chipmunks are part of the...
The naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber) is a rodent, known for its burrowing and is indigenous to East Africa. The mole rat possesses a number of characteristics which allow it to survive in underground and harsh environments.The average naked mole rat is between 3 to 4 i...
The aye-aye is a lemur found on the African island of Madagascar. Local people believe that the aye-aye brings bad luck, especially if it points at you with its skeletal finger (the species uses its elongated middle fingers to prize grubs out of nooks and crannies). There are around 100...
Plague: Fleas, mostly rodent fleas, can spread the bacteria Yersinia pestis, which causes plague — a disease responsible for multiple historical pandemics. Plague can take several forms, including bubonic, pneumonic and septicemic. Murine typhus: This is caused by Rickettsia typhi and spread by ra...
because: they are often purchased from overcrowded, stressful, unhygienic, high-lice-transmission, unsavory breeding situations; they are often housed close-together in large numbers (facilitating louse transmission) and rodent pet owners often don't examine the fur of their charges all that closely...
the indigenous Maori language, meaning "god of ugly things." It is endemic to New Zealand. Because the nation was void of mammals for an extended period, the wētā could evolve to a rodentlike size, though the introduction of actual rodents to the islandhas decimated much of its population...
The woodland jumping mouse is found in varioustypes of forestsin North America. This mouse is a medium-sized rodent that matches zapus mice (found in North America) in size. Woodland jumping mice have a white tail tip, brighter colors, and no small upper premolar, so they’re different fr...
The Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus), is a semi-aquatic, medium-sized rodent. It is found in North America and has also been recently introduced in Asia, South America, and Europe. The main habitat of muskrat is wetlands but this animal can successfully adapt to different habitats and climates....
Agricultural settings tend to have a higher risk of mouse infestations than urban settings. However, the severity of the infestation and risk of structural damage can be higher in the latter. Finally, mice can be mistaken for another species of rodent, the vole. As with most common mouse spec...
It is called a pouched rat because it has large storage pouches in its cheeks, much like a hamster. Omnivorous by nature, captive Gambian pouched rats thrive on a diet of vegetables, seeds, and grains in addition to commercial rodent kibble. In their native habitat of forests and th...