- single cell protist- phylum forminifera - hard shell made of silica - pseudopodia What's this - gleocapsa - phylum cyanobacteria - domain bacteria - photosynthetic - asexually What's this - oscillatoria - domain bacteria - phylum cyanobacteria - photosynthetic - asexually through fragmentation...
Parts of a plant http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/gpe/images/plantdiag-blank.gif http://waihiscience.weebly.com/uploads/1/7/3/0/17307628/3786859_orig.jpg Phases of the moon http://www.enchantedlearning.com/mgifs/Moonphases.GIF Plant cell http://waynesword.palomar.edu/images/plant3.gif htt...
Done properly, thermite burns vigorously but not explosively, and you can controllably create a mass of molten steel falling out the bottom of a ceramic cone. This steel can be used to make castings or to weld large pieces of existing steel. For example, high-speed train track is commonly ...
I read in an article titled "Use of Natural Coagulants of Plant Origin in Production of Soycurd (Tofu)" that Citric Acid produces best texture for tofu and also it is a best natural source. If this is applicable, would you please let me know if I have to use it in a dry form or...
Firefighters and police officers do not regard themselves as heroes because they do what their job requires and it requires that they lay down their life for the safety of a stranger. They're not on the list because they don't want to be labeled as hero. The End. By anon5580 — On...
Kangen water is one of many brand names for so-calledalkaline waterspromoted as a healthier form of water with significant anti-oxidant properties. It's generally presented as the result of an electrolysis process which separates ordinary water (H20) into two separate entities. One half of the ...
eat. We all know that elevated blood cholesterol levels are not good for your health, but the right levels of cholesterol actually play a vital role in maintaining cell membranes and synthesizing hormones. The Centers for Disease Control reports that one-third of adults have high cholesterol ...
ByCellMania— On Dec 31, 2010 Does anyone have any more homemade oatmeal mask recipes that work good? Bywesley91— On Dec 30, 2010 Oatmeal makes a great facial mask. It is made from the seeds of the oat plant and then made into oatmeal. Oatmeal can even be made into a tea or ext...
ByCellMania— On Dec 31, 2010 Does anyone have any more homemade oatmeal mask recipes that work good? Bywesley91— On Dec 30, 2010 Oatmeal makes a great facial mask. It is made from the seeds of the oat plant and then made into oatmeal. Oatmeal can even be made into a tea or ext...