Caecilian facts for kids and adults, with pictures, information and video. Everyone knows what frogs and toads look like, and most people could identify asalamander, but did you know that there’s a third type of amphibian? On this page we’ll meet thecaecilians: a mysterious group of worm...
but not many will think of caecilians--small, earthworm-like creatures that are mostly confined to dense, hot, tropical rain forests. Eocaecilia is the earliest caecilian yet identified in the fossil record; in fact, this genus was so "basal" that it still ...
Beddome’s caecilian is asnake-like amphibianpresent in the rainforests of India’s Western Ghats mountain range. Its back and sides are dark brown. A yellow strip runs along each side of the body. The species reaches a maximum length of around 27 cm (10.6 n.). Beddome’s caecilian bur...
The Taita African caecilian is found in the forests of the Taita Hills region in southeast Kenya. This snake-like amphibian reaches lengths of 34.8 cm. Its body is blue with darker rings. The Taita African caecilian is a burrowing animal, living underground and feeding on earthworms and other ...