8 个月前 (reblogged from sovtime) 12 апреля 1961 годасоветскийкосмонавтЮрийАлексеевичГагаринсовершилпервыйполетвкосмос. 9 个月前 fuckyeahplattenbau: Somewhere in the post-Soviet region where the ...
Lamphun has been overshadowed by Chiang Mai ever since, and therein lies much of the town’s charm. Located just 26 km south of Chiang Mai, Lamphun is generally visited as an enjoyable and rewarding excursion from the northern capital. Tranquil, lotus-filled moats and some of the most dist...
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: html_title Cultural Memory in the Century of Upheaval: Big Pictures and Snapshots /html_title Michael David-Fox (bio) Even by the standards of a bloody and ideological era, Russia's 20th century brought more than its share...
The mosaic floor which is from the Roman era found in the city of Ur-Ha (Ru-Ha/Urfa) PREHISTORIC TOWN ORFA-UR-RUHAClick here to see more! The historical ruins of Kommagene in Kurdistan (the thrones of the Gods and Godies), in the Kurdish city Semsour (Adiyaman) ©-ROXANE ...
From 1953 to his death in 1986, novelist Christopher Isherwood lived in Southern California with his partner, the portrait artist Don Bachardy. Living as one of the only out gay couples of the era, these two not only flourished on their own, but they also collaborated to create ...
Copperhead, The (1920) …. Milt Shanks National Red Cross Pageant (1917) Millionaire’s Double, The (1917) …. Bide Bennington His Father’s Son (1917) …. J. Dabney Barro End of the Tour, The (1917) …. Bron Bennett Brand of Cowardice, The (1916) …. Cyril Hamilton ...
Moving Pictures JNL Fuente La familia era diseñada por Jeff Levine y publicado por Jeff Levine. Moving Pictures JNL contiene 2 estilos y opciones de paquetes familiares. Más información sobre esta familia 30 DÍAS DE PRUEBA GRATUITOS de Monotype Fonts para obtener más de 150.000 ...
advanced of its time. The MiG-242 could be launched from a special zero-zero launch ramp. This ramp could be deployed on Russian air bases and would elevate 45 degrees and catapult the aircraft via the use of an electromagnetic rail catapult, while the fighter engaged full afterburners. ...
foiling Adams' quest for a second term. Jackson went on to serve two terms from 1829 until 1837. Nicknamed "Old Hickory," people of Jackson's era tended to either love or hate his populist style. Jackson was quick to grab his pistols when he felt someone had offended him and he engaged...
I paid a lot for this book, which is almost impossible to find, because while it's not radioactive, it is a a wonderful artifact from an era where that would have been considered a problem along the lines of false advertising, while giving a child a radioactive book to read would have...