47 Roninis an upcoming 2013 fantasy-adventure-action film depicting a fictional account of theForty-Seven Roninor masterless warriors, a real-life group of samurai in 18th-century Japan who avenge the murder of their master. The American studioUniversal Picturesis producing the adaptation. The movi...
In these early days, while the hedges and trees that will eventually diffuse the wind are still in their infancy, the protection that the polyethylene-covered hoop-houses afford is very welcome. “I sold all the baby gear to get this!” explains Caítríona. “I said: ‘no more kids: let...
is a poignant drama that confronts the legacy of the country’s war decades earlier. Set in the early 2000s, coal miners Viet and Nam are secret gay lovers, living in the shadows where past horrors hover in the present. Television news broadcast stories of the missing ...
To be honest, I’d not expected much of this film, and I’d probably taken onboard a few too many stereotypes about the story, and the period of history it covers, over the years; and I’m fairly sure I read a Steinbeck novel back in my early teens but I can’t recall whether ...
A common Good Friday service in the Lutheran Church is the devotional practice of “The Stations of the Cross”, which consists of 14 different stations, each one depicting an event that occurred in the Passion of Jesus. Creative art, combined with literature and prayer help the believers as ...
Be sure not to miss the iconic Sistine Chapel, where Michelangelo's breathtaking frescoes adorn the ceiling, depicting scenes from the Book of Genesis. No visit to the Vatican is complete without a trip to St. Peter's Basilica, the largest Christian church in the world. Admire the grandeur ...
The Musée Rodin displays a remarkable assortment of Rodin's sculptures, as well as the works of Camille Claudel. Rodin masterpieces presented in the Hôtel Biron includeDanaïd, an expressive marble sculpture depicting a mythological character (created in 1890);The Age of Bronze(created in 1877...