Pesquet's parrot has been given the alternative name of "Dracula Parrot" due to its black and red plumage (which resembles the cloak worn by the fictional vampire), large size, featherless face and long bill. The distinctive parrot's bill and bald face give it a vulture-like appearance, a...
The Bengal Fox is a small wild dog found only on the Indian subcontinent. It has a pale coat and the typical bushy tail of true foxes of genusVulpes. Its tail is at least half the length of its combined head and body length, and has a distinctive black tip. The species weighs between...
Dealing its chasing instincts: Silky Poos often chase cats, squirrels, or other rodents for fun. The desire to chase small moving objects can come from a lot of reasons including boredom and lack of exercise. If your Silky Poo has high prey drive, let your dog play with balls, Frisbees,...
Tree Cholla (Cylindropuntia imbricata) is one of the native species of Arizona and Northern Mexico. Tree Chollas also bear different other names, depending on their regions. In Mexico, this species is also known as the Devil’s Rope Cactus. Rich in fruit, this cactus provides food for local...
Because of their prey drive, allowing them around smaller pets and rodents isn’t the best idea. You may have a cat who will love the house bunny or hamster, but it’s rare and probably not worth the risk. Since cats are carnivores, the wrong move by a small mammal could trigger unwa...
Other Names Korean Jindo Jindo Dog Pronunciation -- Description The coat of the Jindo comes in white, yellow, red, red and white, tan, tan and white, black, black and tan, and brindle. Temperament The Jindo is a medium-sized spitz-type dog that originated from the Jindo Island in Korea...
It can sometimes be found in the drainage system of the house as it looks for rodents, roaches, and moisture. Spiders are often attracted to this species which is why it may wonder in suburban areas next to homes at times. 5. Mudsnake ...
Information and Facts of Jack Russell Terrier: The dog name is Jack Russell Terrier Other names are JTR, Jack, Working Jack Russell Terrier It originated from England It belong to small dog breeds It belongs to AKC Terrier Group It has an expected life of 13-16 years ...
brought some of these Silky Terriers home with them. The breed was recognized by the AKC in 1959 and its standard was established in 1962 and later updated in 1967. The Silky Terrier has always been primarily a companion dog, but this swift little dog is very good at catching rodents. ...
Piranha teeth are often used by local communities to make tools and weapons. 10. Prairie Dog These burrowing rodents are native to the grasslands of North America (10). ADVERTISEMENT Fun Facts: They live in large colonies, often referred to as ‘ prairie dog towns’ that also serve as she...