Explore Munising, Michigan with Pictured Rocks Kayaking. Launch safely from our boat off-shore and discover the best parts of Northern Michigan's lakeshores.
We have been conducting kayaking and canoeing tours in Upper Michigan for 20 years and in the Pictured Rocks for 11 years. Over 100,000 kayakers with all skill levels have seen the awe-inspiring Pictured Rocks with our kayak tours. We have been featured in the Midwest Living Magazine and al...
Paddling Michigan | Pictured Rocks Kayaking | Yooper Yachts Kayak Tours : Get up close and personal with the sandstone cliffs while kayaking Lake Superior. Steer through some of the sandstone caves, touch the mineral layers and peer into the crystal clear waters below. Your tour begins with a ...
Boat Tours/TripsConcession cruise boats travel from Munising along the Pictured Rocks cliffs daily mid-May to mid-October. For tickets and more information visitwww.picturedrocks.com. Various commercial businesses offer kayak trips and other guided recreational opportunities:www.nps.gov/piro/planyourvi...