Müller (1908: fig. 12). Upper respiratory tract, trachea, and lungs in pink, air sacs and diverticula in blue. DSPM =diverticulum supramedullare. Way back when I was working on my Master’s thesis at the University of Oklahoma and getting into pneumaticity for the first time, Kent Sande...
The nose and mouth form both the entryways and exits for air flow. After inhaling, air flows past the back of the throat, or pharynx. It then flows past the voice box, or larynx. Air then travels down the pipe, or trachea, heading toward the lungs. Tubes calledbronchireceive the air....
But since it can adopt the long-necked pose on the right, it’s apparent that the trachea can become long enough to connect the head and lungs in that pose. Which means it must be able to stretch to nearly twice the length we see in the CT scan. Don’t try this at home, kids!
WHILE PARTICIPATING in a soccer practice, the 10-year-old boy pictured below suddenly collapsed and was found to have suffered a cardiopulmonary arrest. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was performed immediately. His trachea was intubated and the lungs were ventilated by paramedics on the field, with spon...
it is acquired by consumption of food or water contaminated with eggs of ascaris lumbricoides, a roundworm. the eggs hatch on reaching the small intestine and the resultant larvae penetrate the intestinal wall, migrating to the liver and lungs. the larvae pass up the trachea and are swallowed ...
Also called thepharynx, the throat is the next destination for the food you've eaten.Branching off the throat is the esophagus, which carries food to your stomach, and the trachea or windpipe, which carries air to your lungs. Swallowing takes place in the throat, partly as a reflex and ...
Birds (like all vertebrates) have two tubes running down the ventral aspect of the neck (i.e. below the vertebrae): the trachea, for breathing, and the oesophagus, for swallowing. But these both open into the back of the mouth and are not piped up past it. I’ve not dissected enough...
sacs, but diverticula can also originate from the lungs themselves (see O’Connor 2006: 1211 and Schachner et al. 2020: 16-19). Here’s the actual respiratory system of a pigeon, with the trachea and lungs in pink and the air sacs and their diverticula in blue (Muller 1908 fig. 11)...
The centrepiece is afull-sized, fleshed out modelof a sauropod (Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis), but on one side the skin and superficial musculature has been cut away. The visitor can see the neck vertebrae, the trachea, the carotid artery, and the ribcage. And the ribcage is also a projec...