But a political uproar in the United States during the past few years over research using fetal tissue has made him shift much of his work to studying the newborn immune system, which tends to act more like the adult system. The Nature study highlights how this shift could come at a ...
Vaginalbiopsy: In the rare case of a suspicious growth in the vagina, a small piece of tissue (biopsy) may be sent to check for cancer. Vagina Treatments Antimicrobials: Antifungal medications can treat yeast infections, and antibiotic drugs can treat bacterial infections. Antiviral medicines treat...
The vagina receives the penis during sexual intercourse and also serves as a conduit for menstrual flow from the uterus. During childbirth, the baby passes through the vagina (birth canal). The hymen is a thin membrane of tissue that surrounds and narrows the vaginal opening. It may be torn ...
secures his Luger in its shoulder holster, stuffs his bills in the pocket of his nubby brown blazer, and sets out, more than an hour behind schedule. Fifteen minutes later, he pulls his SUV into the lot behind the deli. Owing to a recent spate of burglaries, Enzo has taken to locking...
The present invention pertains to a method of medical image processing. 利用这种方法, 可以把对人体拍摄的X光片上相互重叠的骨骼和软组织分离开来,以便医生观察得更清楚,诊断得更准确。 Using this method, you can put on the X-rays taken of the body overlapping bone and soft tissue separated, so ...
He was 13 when he was first ___ with a rare form of cancer that ___ soft tissue, bones as well as other parts of the human body. “He’s in a lot of pain, but he tries to show that he is ___ so that he can make others worry less about him,” Emily said. “We are ...
The unique distribution behavior of factor IX allows for its longer half-life5,10,15* *As shown from research of factor IX binding to type IV collagen in human arterial tissue in vitro. Compartment models are commonly used to describe the PK of therapies such as factor VIII and factor IX5...
Lipomas of abdomen muscle: Lipomas are one of the most common types of tumours that tend to grow on the abdominal wall. Lipomas on the abdominal wall look like small, painless tumours that can be moved around. In general, a lipoma is a mass of soft tissue which is made up of nothing...
Using fluorescent markers to track the activity of stem cells, the body's building blocks, doctoral researcher Rachel Hopton investigated the formation of colon tissue in mice, which have long been used as a model for studying the gastrointestinal system in mammals. Because mice are born without...
The middle layer of the skin. Made up of elastin/collagen (a type of connective tissue); this gives the skin its flexibility and strength. Houses the sweat glands, oil glands (sebaceous glands), hair follicles, muscles, nerve endings, blood vessels, and dendritic cells. ...