1.Adiseaseofbirds,characterizedby athickmucousdischargethatformsacrustinthemouthandthroat. 2.SlangAminorunspecifiedhumanailment. TheAmericanHeritage®MedicalDictionaryCopyright©2007,2004byHoughtonMifflinCompany.PublishedbyHoughtonMifflinCompany.Allrightsreserved. ...
Language, pictures, text, and human communication, the communication of emotion, and 3 large media picture is the best way to break through the geographical boundaries, time, space, and interpersonal relationships, and gender in the visual language. ...
vector transmission of leishmania occurs when a female phlebotomine sandfly bites a human, where it is an intracellular protozoan parasite in mononuclear phagocytes. depending on the leishmania species and the immune status of the host, different manifestations, including cutaneous, disseminated cutaneous,...
Steaming, Fettig approaches a linebacker type at one end of the human chain. “Look here, I’m headed to the Cross County highway on important business. I need to get through here right now!” The kid assumes a wide stance, hands on hips. “No one comes or goes. Not over our dead...
And because I picked that photo: you know what institution has a ton of super-interesting, well-preserved, well-prepped, not-yet-published-on sauropod vertebrae and ribs in a really nicely appointed collections room in an awesome museum run by a small team of excellent human beings? The Tate...
Candida Blastospore Adhesion, Association, and Invasion of the Gastrointestinal Tract of Vertebrates Survival, implantation, and dissemination from the alimentary tract by Candida species, and Candida albicans in particular, may play an important role in human and animal health. Recurrent vaginitis and ...
thus producing two or three notes simultaneously. The overtone may sound like a flute, whistle or bird, but is solely a product of the human voice. They also play traditional Tuvan instruments. However, in recent years, the group have begun to selectively incorporate Western instruments and elec...
It would be necessary, then, to find ways to reduce the growth of the human population, and impose limits on human reproduction. At the time Malthus wrote this, it seemed an entirely logical and reasonable supposition, for this was well before improvements in agriculture ginned up the food su...
and there was one expressionist scene in which this happened literally: a huge human head with HOLLYWOOD burnt into its brow swallowed pigmy aspirants to film fame. This did not impair our fascination with the place, which was more magical silent than talking. The first squawk on the Vitapho...
Virgo and Leo are said to be two of the most human signs. Both signs seek knowledge, but Virgos tend to be more practical while Leos can sometimes become a little too overconfident in their abilities. Picture Jasper is a stone that works particularly well with these star signs because it ...