The bloop creature has got to be seriously scary! The largest whale known to man, the blue whale, can get over 90 feet long. Imagine running into something even bigger than that out in the middle of the ocean! Byanon129849— On Nov 25, 2010 ...
content. One day Paul found out from one of his friends that Michael Jackson was going to be doing some shopping in the store his friend worked at. He got there on time and gave Michael the master copy of the recording spoof he made called "Diller". Paul is now known as"The Diller ...
With this book everything written on the page has to be said by the person reading it aloud..even words like bloop and bluurf! Buy : Amazon All the Ways to Be Smart by Davina Bell Buy : Amazon For more fun alphabet books for children, check out our list of theBest Alphabet Books f...