What appeared in the first photo to be the part of the parapohyseal ramus with those cracks is now seen to be diapophyseal. And that original photo up at the top doesn’t show a perforation at all, just an oblique view of the cervical rib loop. Itlookslike a perforation because fro...
post entitled “Why I am really, really, really done with The Scholarly Kitchen”, but concluded it wasn’t constructive and never posted it. My problem is, like a dog returning to its own vomit, I keep going back in the hope of a constructive dialogue, because I am, as Philip Lord ...
Here’s one of the free caudal vertebrae of an ostrich,Struthio camelus, LACM Ornithology Bj342. It’s a bit asymmetric–the two halves of the neural spine are aimed in slightly different directions, and one transverse process is angled just slightly differently than the other–but the asymmetr...
Next cabinet going around clockwise has these dorsal vertebrae and a couple of broken neural spine tops. The vertebra on the left is the one shown in lateral view at the top of this post. A tibia and a fibula. This is where it gets a little weird. I measured the other fibula, not ...
Lateral and posterior views of the first seven presacral vertebrae of Brachiosaurus atithorax (Riggs 1904:plate LXXII). This scan comes to us courtesy of Katherine Olson at the University of Chicago Library. This is appropriate, asBrachiosaurusis very much a Chicago dinosaur. Many thanks indeed ...
In a world where the largest vertebra of Argentinosaurus is only 1cm bigger in diameter than the largest vertebra of Patagotitan, differences like I got with Dystylosaurus would be enough to scramble the order of giant vertebrae. So if you’re ever stuck measuring something from a cast, be ...
Images of vertebra from Gilmore (1936:plate XXIV). At the bottom, the vertebrae are composed in a horizontal posture. Superimposed, the same vertebrae are shown inclined by the additional extension angles indicated in Table 1. If the slightly sub-horizontal osteological neutral pose of Stevens ...
Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week SV-POW! … All sauropod vertebrae, except when we're talking about Open Access. ISSN 3033-3695 Tutorial 44: how to avoid using a preoccupied name for your new genus August 12, 2024 The world is full of wonderful animals, both extant and extinct, and...
SV-POW! … All sauropod vertebrae, except when we're talking about Open Access. ISSN 3033-3695 If I could dissect a sauropod… September 12, 2024 Luke Horton asked in acomment on a recent post: Given the chance to examine a titanosaur cadaver with your hypothetical army of anatomists, wh...
Barosaurus lentusAMNH 6341 dorsal vertebrae 1 to 9 in anterior, left lateral and posterior views. Modified from McIntosh (2005:figure 2.5) We can compare these with the photo above of theUltrasaurosdorsal in left lateral view, and with this one in posterior view: ...