And of course David Norman is very far from being alone. Pretty much any palaeontologist you talk to will tell you of a handful of papers — many more in some cases — that were finished many years previously but have never seen the light of day. (I still have a couple myself, but ...
And after the respiratory system, next up for me would be the spinal cord and any related morphological specializations of the neural canal — see Table 3 in Atterholt et al. (2024) for a running tally, andthis page. Thenintervertebral joints, digestive tract, and reproductive system (neither...
causes of dementiaelderly and senile ageThe article deals with the important issue of the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's disease in the elderly and senile-aged. The disease is viewed as an aging-associated pathological state and the main cause of senile dementia. Notwithstanding, it is ...
This is one of those things that has been sitting in my brain, gradually heating up and getting denser, until it achieved criticality, melted down my spinal cord, and rocketed out my fingers and through the keyboard. Stand by forcaffeine-fueled testifyin’ mode. Part 1: Why Study Pneumatic...
“Bony spinal cord supports” is not function-neutral, it takes a stand. Since the whole point of our paper is not only to describe these things in dry terms, but to also take a stand on their associated soft tissues, it would be more coherent to cowboy up and call them “bony ...
That finding would dovetail with my work with Jessie Atterholt on paramedullary diverticula in birds and other dinosaurs (finally published last year but gestating much longer; Atterholt and Wedel 2022) and with my work with Mike on the developmental sequence of spinal cord -> spinal arteries -...
This is one of those things that has been sitting in my brain, gradually heating up and getting denser, until it achieved criticality, melted down my spinal cord, and rocketed out my fingers and through the keyboard. Stand by forcaffeine-fueled testifyin’ mode. ...
The amendment establishes an Official Register of Zoological Nomenclature (with ZooBank as its online version), allows electronic publication after 2011 under certain conditions, and disallows publication on optical discs after 2012. The requirements for electronic publications are that the work be ...
of big spinal veins, like those of crocs, or big paramedullary diverticula, like those of birds, but they didn’t look quite right for either of those applications (more on this in a future post, maybe, and in the discussion section of the new paper, definitely). I was just flat ...
Neural canal ridges, or bony spinal cord supports? I got into the habit of calling the inwardly-projecting bony prominences in the neural canals of sauropods and other critters “neural canal ridges” partly because I was thinking about them for literally years before I knew what they were, ...