“Method and Apparatus that uses pulsed, counter-rotating plasmas to extract useful energy from the zero point energy field and/or to modify or nullify the forces of gravity and inertia, or the properties of mass.” That’s quite a mouthful, but it basically ...
When I started my palaeo Masters (as it then was) at Portsmouth, I had a very bad habit of writing unnecessary double negatives of the kind the Sir Humphrey Appleby might use. Instead of saying “Taxon X resembles taxon Y”, I would say “is not dissimilar to”. I did this all the ...
but let me draw the threads together here. Whether it’s documenting serial changes in pneumatization along the vertebral column in a single individual, or externally-visible asymmetry, or pneumaticity on the ventral surfaces of vertebrae, or how and whether pneumatic and neurovascular features...
(1999: fig. 3) figured and labeled the epipophysis in one of the cervical vertebrae. The vertebra image in that figure is tiny (nice work, glam-magz!), so here are some sketches ofJobariamid-cervicals (from two different individuals) that I made back in the day when I was doing ...
Assuming the scale bar is supposed to be 1 meter (and not 20 meters or 2.0 meters as it is labeled) yields a summed cervical length of 13.4 meters, a summed dorsal length of 3.39 meters, and a cervical/dorsal ratio of 3.96–all admirably close, off by no more than 4cm across 16+...
Here’s a big apatosaur cervical, in antero-ventral view, with a dorsal rib draped over its left side. The cervical ribs are not fused in this specimen, so it was probably still growing. Here’s a labeled version: The short centrum and nearly-vertical transverse processes indicate that th...
(neither of the last two leave anything useful in the way of skeletal traces), in that order. Arguably the intervertebral joints would be a bigger score for sauropod paleobiology than spinal cord stuff, but maybe not, and having squelched my emotional pick among sauropod taxa, I’m letting ...
At the bottom of the image I labeledsegmental musclesandintermuscular septum. You’ve seen these before, although you may not have known it: they make the zig-zag patterns in the meat of fishes, where we call the segmental musclesmyomeres(“muscle parts”) and each intermuscular septum amyo...