I semi-cringed when I heard the film was action mixed with science-fiction and superhero multiverses, none of which are my genre of choice. The film goes beyond that with a sensory overload, a warped, onslaught of colorful wackiness that includes hot dog fingers, butt plugs, and a drag ...
aFor example, to help someone who was robbed, calling the police is a much wiser way than chasing the robbers alone 例如,帮助被抢夺的人,告诉警察比追逐单独强盗是一个更加明智的方式[translate] an espionage ring known as the Fifth Column needs to be stopped, and the government decides to place...
The truckers are organized, disciplined, and magnificently competent. Read a firsthand account from someone who resides in downtown Ottawa. February 4, 2022 Trudeau Denies Truckers Fair Hearing: News Report from India Indian news channel says public support for truckers is overwhelming, but Canada’...
For far too long now, whenever someone shares my“graphics matter” series of posts, someone pipes up with a response that can be summarized as: “We don’t know how many firearms there are in America, so we cannot draw any correlation or causation conclusions between firearms and the peopl...
By contrast, farming often requires devastation of someone’s home and almost always devastation of the environment. The great dust bowl, the extinction of eastern wolves, the loss of the ivory-billed woodpecker: all these are directly connected to growing more food than humans need today. Mean...
日落大野 (1)在飞速行驶的火车窗口远望——日落正发生在宁静、苍茫的大平原上。 (2)冬天的落日,圆圆如一枚红果,在青天的磁盘里。这是庄严的落日。 (3)余晖淡淡,寒林肃立。不知来自何处的苍冥已经从遥远的地平线上涌起来了。视野里没有枯藤当风摇摆,也没有昏鸦飞过,瘦马踟蹰。远处近处,...
One of the things that amuses me immensely is reading someone else working the same time period I do. Say Tudor England, or Dumas musketeers. The names are the same, but the actual place is completely different. And it’s not that their research is wrong — because I don’t read ...
Formal Korean phrases are used when you’re speaking to someone who is older than you or who holds a higher position or social hierarchy than you. You may also use these phrases with people who you are close with, but you want to show or give them respect. Here are a few of the com...
When you use a computer, the window should be on your left or your right. If it is behind you, the light will reflect on (反射) the screen. If the window is in front of you, the sun and the screen will both shine into your eyes. ...
In the opium den, however, he hears someone refer to Dorian as "Prince Charming", and he accosts Dorian. Dorian deceives James into believing that he is too young to have known Sibyl, who killed herself eighteen years earlier, as his face is still that of a young man. James relents ...