many times over the years. Not only in blogging, either, but in figure preparation for formal publications. When I make a multiview like the apatosaur cervical that’sFigure 6 of Wedel and Taylor (2023) on bifurcated cervical ribs, the layers aren’t just named things likeanteriorandventral...
King et al (2024) on pneumatic ribs in apatosaurs Windholz et al. (2024) on a pneumatic rebbachisaurid caudal Taylor and Wedel (2023) on pneumatic Brachiosaurus ribs Wedel and Taylor (2023) on bifurcated cervical ribs Lei et al (2023) on theropod-bitten Morrison sauropods Wedel and Atte...
(B)In left anterodorsolateral view, probably taken from the roof of the museum. The mount is almost complete, with only the forelimbs, their girdles and the dorsal ribs yet to be attached. Note that, contra Untermann (1959, p. 367–368), the skull is already in place. Both images ...
We’re arguing, at least tentatively, that the evidence of bifurcated cervical ribs suggests the flexor colli lateralis muscles were single-segment. But I don’t think it follows that the longus collus ventralis muscles were necessarily also single-segment. It’s possible that they were still ...
The history of Supersaurus — and its buddies Ultrasauros and Dystylosaurus — is pretty complicated, and there seems to be no one source for it. But having read a lot about these animals in the process of writing eleven mostly pretty substantial posts a
Filed in casts, conferences, diplodocids, dorsal, museums, ribs, stinkin' appendicular elements, stinkin' mammals, stinkin' SV-POW!sketeers, Supersaurus, Tate 2024, Tate Geological Museum, tibia, Wyoming Dinosaur Center 3 Comments » New
If so, whatisthat mass? It’s hard to imagine they need a huge amount of muscle mass there, and it can’t be guts. Photos like this one, fromthe RVC’s televised elephant dissectionon Inside Nature’s Giants, suggest the ribs are very close to the body surface:...
of it) that they reject 90% of submissions without even reviewing them, and it would likely just have been a waste of our time and effort to lobotomise our eight-pager down to three and reformat with the ultra-dumb numbered-references format in exchange for a tiny, tiny chance of ...
And so the series continues: part 9, part 10 and part 11 were not numbered as such, but that's what they were, so I am picking up the numbering here with #12. If you've been following along, you'll remember that Matt and I are convinced that BYU 9024, th
channelled portion of a guide 19. Tongues 16' on plate 16 guide the inner edge of the film passing between the plate 16 and surface 78. Lugs 15 on guide plate 16 engage the edges 12 of and position said plate in the gate f. Projecting edges 13 on plate 16 are retained by ribs 71...