Anatomy of a Penis The penis is a male sexual organ. The shaft is the longest part of it. The head or glans is at the end of the shaft. The opening at the tip of the head, where urine and semen come out, is called the meatus. ...
Anatomy of a Penis The penis is a male sexual organ. The shaft is the longest part of it. The head or glans is at the end of the shaft. The opening at the tip of the head, where urine and semen come out, is called the meatus. ...
Picture of Intestines The intestines are a long, continuous tube running from the stomach to the anus. Most absorption of nutrients and water happen in the intestines. The intestines include the small intestine, large intestine, and rectum. The small intestine (small bowel) is about 20 feet ...
Human Anatomy Picture of the Vagina 2009 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved. The vagina is an elastic, muscular canal with a soft, flexible lining that provides lubrication and sensation. The vagina connects the uterus to the outside world. The vulva and labia form the entrance, and the cervix...
RECTUM examinationELECTRONIC probesDIAGNOSTIC ultrasonic imagingThe article presents a study on using a 15-7-megahertz (MHz) linear transducer to evaluate the anal sphincter in female patients. The study revealed that in scanning the anal sphincter mechanism it is imperative to use high-frequency ...
Vaginal prolapse: Due to weakened pelvic muscles (usually from childbirth), the rectum, uterus or bladder pushes on the vagina. In severe cases, the vagina protrudes out of the body. Vagina Tests Pelvic examination: Using a speculum, a doctor can examine the vulva, vagina, and cervix. The ...
That’s actually pretty weird, even for a nerve from your skull that innervates most of your digestive tract. The reason why it’s weird is that your embryonic hindgut (descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum) and most of your pelvic viscera and reproductive system get their parasympatheti...
Example of patient-related information, age of the patient, includes sex and the group etc, on the one hand example of structural-related information, structure of the rectum, the bladder and the lung etc, or is doubtful,/it is good including the anatomy position of lesion of the patient ...
Anatomy of a Penis The penis is a male sexual organ. The shaft is the longest part of it. The head or glans is at the end of the shaft. The opening at the tip of the head, where urine and semen come out, is called the meatus. ...
Image Collection: Human Anatomy Picture of the Vagina 2009 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved. The vagina is an elastic, muscular canal with a soft, flexible lining that provides lubrication and sensation. The vagina connects the uterus to the outside world. The vulva and labia form the entrance...