•A piece of the only surviving dress worn by Queen Elizabeth I, Charles Dickens’ court suit, an RSC robe worn by David Tennant as Richard II, and the coronation glove of Queen Elizabeth II are among highlights of a new exhibition at the Guildhall Art Gallery.Marking the 400th anniversar...
During the pandemic, there was a virtual Chelsea Flower Show, and Buckingham Palace revealed that the Lily of the Valley is one of the Queen’s most-loved blooms. They are featured in her coronation bouquet and are grown in the Buckingham palace gardens. So as a small tribute to Her Majes...
flowed in his veins. Here was Philip Herbert, described by Francis Osborne, in his Memoires on the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James, as one who was “caressed by the Court for his handsome face, which kept him not long company.” Was it young Herbert’s life that he sometimes...
He loved to stroll through the gaunt cold picture-gallery of his country house and look at the various portraits of those whose blood flowed in his veins218. Here was Philip Herbert, described by Francis Osborne, in his Memoires on the Reigns219 of Queen Elizabeth and King James, as one ...