Photographer takes photos of Pit Bulls for a project to promote pit bull adoption.
As I noteda week ago, to my enormous surprise I was invited to be one of the two participants in the plenary debate the closes the annual meeting of my long-term nemesis,the Society for Scholarly Publishing. I was to propose the motion “The open access movement has failed” in ten min...
Pit bulls, beagles, King Charles spaniels, and Labrador retrievers, to name the most obvious. That’s not to say that your husky won’t come to love you, but it will take longer, and you will have to earn it. Do you need a lot of eye contact and emotional support from your dog?
Dark Horse comics that Richardson and Moyer will help Gordon adapt for the screen include “X,” written by Steven Grant; “Pit Bulls,” with “Mask” writer John Acrudi; “The Machine,” written by Randy Stradley, and “Cemetery,” written by Mike Barron on Gordon’s original concept. T...
A forest of straphangers hems him in. Many are wired for sound. A damp man next to him drips on his shoes. Humanity engulfs him: phone receptionists for Big Four accounting .rms. Board of Trade pit bulls, burned out by twenty-eight. Market researchers who鈥檝e spent days polling ...