Frank, . Hurley
“A lot of Jewish parents seem very relieved and excited,” she told The Jewish Standard,“and then I think that a lot of people from our parents’ generation are also kind of tickled by it, because they remember feeling that way on their blocks growing up… I know my mother-in-law ...
Angela Lu Fulton in Hanoi The country’s church-run addiction centers are so effective that communist officials are taking notice. Review The Black Church Has Five Theological Anchors Claude Atcho Walter Strickland’s sweeping narrative of African American Christianity portrays a big God who is st...
I don’t know the answers at all, but I do know that this has been a time of weakness. And a time to see His perfect strength – whether it’s through a meal delivered by a friend, a text from someone who is praying for you, a song about His greatness, the ability to continue ...
church thinking–and to their mission–and without this foundation, the emerging church cannot reach its goal of an all-inclusive kingdom (that Erre seeks to present inDeath by Church). This resonates with Thomas Merton who told people of other religious traditions that we are already in ...
It was an incredible blessing taking the picture and being able to share my story with so many people over the years. The story behind my picture was featured in the movie, “The Gift of Life,” hosted by Governor Mike Huckabee. The World Premier, held in Des Moines, Iowa, on December...
Phavorites –“It’s Not This Time of Year Without…”– MINDING MY P’S WITH Q Carto’s Logbook Holiday Season in Palo Alto Dronesville adventure #14: I am an invisible nerd? – a nerd’s confession: when-iam-68 That Traveling Nurse A Haiku on “Nostalgia” Not without my ...
In 1939 in Nazi Germany,as Adolf Hitler was preparing war, he gave a chilling speech where he reminded the German people what his real aim and mission was, and it had nothing to do with ‘rebuilding the glory of Germany’. It was all about...
On the positive side, I feel like I have been praying all day every day. Not in the spiritual way, but in the “Lord, if you don’t help me I’m either going to lose it or go hide in a corner somewhere.” (slightly overdramatic) ...
of women selling flowers, the bags of clay used to arrange them and people sweeping the sidewalk. We smiled at hearing musical Christmas cards playing tunes for sell and remembered that we had also seen and heard many of these in La Cuchilla the previous day. It seemed odd to us to ...