Isis was the great Egyptian goddess, wife of Osiris, mother of Horus, sister of Osiris, Set, and Nephthys, and daughter of Geb and Nut, who was worshiped all over Egypt and elsewhere. She searched for her husband's body, retrieved and reassembled Osiris, taking on the role of goddess o...
Yu-Gi-Oh Full picture Flash Card Egyptian God Holactie the Creator of Light DIY Action Toy Figures Anime Game Collection giftSize: 5.9x8.6cmMaterial: PaperNPR: Normal Parallel RareSR: Super RarePSER: Prismatic Secret RareORR: Extreme FlashOF:Oblique flashSold...
Not only is King Tut’s death a mystery, there are also gaps in the story of his life. Tutankhamun was the son of a controversial Egyptian king, Akhenaten, who decreed that Egypt would worship a single god, Aten, instead of many, and moved its capital from Thebes to Amarna. Politically...