Ward obviously liked the idea of drawing the small boy in the wild woods. But he’s also dreamed up a clever surprise for his story when the boy ventures in with his gun. Johnny discovers a tiny bear cub instead, and gives it a piece of maple sugar. He cradles the bear in his arms...
A map shows the features of an area. You can find your way around by using a map. maple tree Maple syrup comes from maple trees. maracas Maracas are musical instruments that are made from hollow gourds. Dried seeds or pebbles inside the gourds make noise when the maracas are shaken. ...
There are millions of great books out there, but sometimes it’s hard to find just the right one. How do you know if a book is worth lugging home from the library or, even more important, worth your hard-earned money? Perhaps you need a book on a certain subject for your child, or...
If you walk in a forest of pine trees, the air has a wonderful smell. In winter, the white snow on the dark green trees looks very beautiful. A. Pine trees stay green all year long, even in winter. B. Pine trees do not have soft leaves like the maple tree. C. Some people call...
This month’s theme:Planting Seeds MAPLE Text and Illustrations © 2014,Lori Nichols Picture Book Fiction Age Range: 3-5 years Grade Level: Preschool-Kindergarten NANCY PAULSEN BOOKS An imprint of Penguin Young Readers Group and there was just enough room under the tree for Maple and her litt...
Tolerant of urban pollution and bouts of drought, the Crimson King Maple is quite hardy and can be successfully transplanted. The best time to plant this tree is early-to-mid spring. Specimens are available through online outlets and might also be ordered from or stocked at local nurseries. ...
Tree blossoms fleck your eyes to calico... I feel your perfume seep into the grass... Not far before I breach your soft crevasse... White seeds float by--I plow my own to sow, but let the sun and freckled children pass...