the names of jesus the nanjing office the napoleonic wars the narrow road to th the national air and the national college the national digital the national energy b the national intellig the national laughed the national social s the natural calamity the natural fibre pro the nature conservan...
4 The picture was becoming clear to the Pharisees that Jesus had gained a following much larger than that of John the Baptist, the wandering prophet. Now He could see that the Pharisees were beginning to plot against Him. 2 This was because His disciples were busy ritually cleansing many...
Just as Yeshua (Jesus) rose into Heaven from the Mount of Olives (Acts 1:11), He will descend upon the same in His return to Jerusalem. It will be a commanding demonstration of His power as King Messiah. When His feet touch the mountain, it will split in two(Zechariah 14:4). With...
Long ago, when kings and queens ruled much of the world, the king of Norway gave the king of England a bear.Imagine a polar bear at ease in her natural arctic world, her only home — until trappers capture her and take her to the king of England.Imagine a polar bear in her lonely ...
Video: Jeff Tweedy Sings ‘California Stars,’‘Jesus, Etc.,’‘New Madrid’ & More – June 6 & 7, 2014 June 9, 2014 Video: Spoon Debut New Song, ‘Knock Knock Knock,’ at NYV Festival June 9, 2014 Audio/Video: Bob Dylan/ Mick Taylor Play ‘Every Grain of Sand,’ Paris, 19...
Second, the historical time relates. To many of these writers, Jesus' time was just behind them, and some thought that he would come again just as soon. Therefore calling him "This Jesus", again, sets him where he is historical for them, which is recently. At the same time, God talki...
the cave is daily life i.e. unenlightenment. outside the "cave" refers to the spiritual enlightenment also known as nirvana, satori, the form of the good (pure spirit consciousness) the kingdom of heaven (Jesus), the "eternal now " (Nostradamus),and many other names. "Know thyself" me...
Mystery plays are so named in reference to the mystery of Christ, which is His ultimate love and purpose, the salvation of sinners through His suffering and death on the cross. They usually focused on the life of Jesus, but they might include other Biblical stories as well, relating them ...