In this figure, the red muscles (longus colli ventralis) are primarily ventral muscles used to draw the neck downwards, while the blue muscles (flexor colli lateralis) are primarily lateral muscles used to move the neck from side to side. (I say “primarily” because anatomy is never that ...
doi:10.1177/030802267203501012NoneBritish Journal of Occupational Therapy
Taylor and Wedel (2013b) on neck cartilage Wedel and Taylor (2013a) on sauropod neural spine bifurcation Taylor and Wedel (2013a) on sauropod neck anatomy Wedel (2012) on long nerves of sauropods Yates, Wedel, and Bonnan (2012) on prosauropod pneumaticity Taylor, Hone, Wedel and Naish ...
Body Words INGLESE Italiano Little Explorers English-Italian Picture Dictionary
In humananatomy, a fissure is a natural division or split found in a body part. Formed by two separate bones, the inferior orbital fissure is actually a groove-like gap that allows nerves and blood vessels to supply the eye area with key signals from thebrainandspinal cord, and with essent...
These organizations must begin to change hearts and minds and win people over to the idea that women are equal creations in the eyes of god and man, and that they must be bestowed the rights that make a human whole. No government anywhere across the domino landscape of revolutionary Middle ...
This joint although it may appear so, is not actually analogous to the human ankle. The horse's leg, from the knee down, has no muscle and the structures are more like our fingers than our arms or legs. This is part of the reason too, that the fetlock is prone tostrain and injury...
The boy on the left is the shortest of the three. shorts Shorts are pants that reach above or around the knees. shoulder Your shoulders are under your neck. shovel Shovels are used to dig. shower When you shower, you wash your body in a stream of falling water. ...
1TheHumanBody:AChildsFirstBookofAnatomyComprehensiveintroductiontothehumanbodyforyoungchildrenFeaturesdetailed,labeledillustrationsofthebodysorganizationsandsystemsIncludessimpleexplanationsofhowthebodyworksandwhateachpartdoesEncourageschildrentolearnmoreabouttheirbodiesandhowtheyfunction 03AnalysisandCharacteristicsofPictureBook...
Taylor and Wedel (2013a) on sauropod neck anatomy Wedel (2012) on long nerves of sauropods Yates, Wedel, and Bonnan (2012) on prosauropod pneumaticity Taylor, Hone, Wedel and Naish (2011) on sexual selection of sauropod necks Taylor, Wedel and Cifelli (2011) on Brontomerus Taylor (2010...