Text Reference: Arthritis Foundation: “Anatomy of the Foot” Picture of Foot Anatomy Detail Thefeetsit at the end of the legs, and we use them for standing andwalking. Feet are incredibly complex, comprised of 28 bones, 30 joints, and more than 100 ligaments. Small alterations in the foot...
high heels can and often do causefoot problemsas well as knee, hip, andback pain. Too narrow shoes make the big toe bend outward, forming abunionor swollen big-toe joint. Some shoes scrunch up the smaller toes, causing claw or hammer toes with painfulcornsorcalluseson the tops of these...
After that? ProbablyIsanosaurusorMelanorosaurusor something else waaaay down the tree, so I could see how much of the sauropod kit was in place from the get-go (probablymost of it). Bone vs joint space in the proximal caudals of the SnowmassHaplocanthosaurus. I’d give one non-essentia...
Underlying the stifle area is the stifle joint formed between the large hip bone (femur), which is equivalent to our thigh bone, and the tibia.The tibia runs from the stifle to the hock.The horse’s tibia is equivalent to our shin bone. The stifle joint somewhat resembles a human knee....
Filed incabinet of curiosities,Halloween,holidays,human anatomy,stinkin' heads,stinkin' mammals,timely November 23, 2022 Last time,I showed you a photo of the head and neck of the LondonDiplodocusand asked what was wrong. Quite a few of you got it right (including Matt when we were chatting...
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Articulate the vertebrae in positions of “maximal” flexion, extension and deflectionby keeping the centra in full contact and rotating each intercentral joint about its midpoint until the corresponding zygapophyses are displaced to a degree of your choosing. Try it with the zygs allowed to slid...
To support (or reject) that hypothesis, it would be necessary to perform comparative dissections of some extant animals, comparing the joint anatomy with the observed range of motion in life. That would be an interesting research project: if you were to undertake it, there could well be a ...
BothOrnatopspieces are there, the color painting because it was one of the first things he put up as a test article, and the pencil sketch because I requested it and he accommodated me (thanks, fam!). He also has some sweet stickers, so you can class up the joint with sauropods. ...
Repetition beats cramming, for at least a couple of reasons. One is that anatomy, like most subjects dealing with nature, is a continuum. But you tend to get it delivered in 50-minute chunks, with the inherent continuity broken up into more-or-less arbitrary bins (“hip”, “thigh”, ...