You can thank evolution for the pleasant sensation you get from ejaculation. A man or person assigned male at birth (AMAB) must ejaculate in order to transfer sperm to a female partner for the purpose of reproduction; that is, having a baby. When you ejaculate, you have an orgasm, which...
You can thank evolution for the pleasant sensation you get from ejaculation. A man or person assigned male at birth (AMAB) must ejaculate in order to transfer sperm to a female partner for the purpose of reproduction; that is, having a baby. When you ejaculate, you have an orgasm, which...
The gender is one of the major factors that influence the development of gallstones. So, women have more probability to end up with the gallstones. Men have fewer chances to get the issue. It is because of the presence of femalesex hormoneestrogen. Estrogen can enhance the cholesterol levels...
Like most of the weird stuff that goes on in our bodies, the reason why the gonads get vagal innervation is developmental. The gonads actually start developing pretty high up in the abdomen, not far below the diaphragm, and their nerve and blood supply are established at that point. High i...
You can thank evolution for the pleasant sensation you get from ejaculation. A man or person assigned male at birth (AMAB) must ejaculate in order to transfer sperm to a female partner for the purpose of reproduction; that is, having a baby. When you ejaculate, you have an orgasm, which...