Chaotic dynamics of the dripping faucet was investigated both experimentally and theoretically. We measured continuous change in the position and velocity of the center of mass of the pendant drop prior to its detachment using a high-speed camera. Continuous trajectories of a low-dimensional chaotic ...
memo-opd2e 这篇书评可能有关键情节透露 Oxford Picture Dictionary 2e/3eSchool, Classroom, Studybleacher, principal, counselor, hallway, locker, cafeteria, auditorium; pick up the pencil, put down your pencilA church, mosque, or temple school is a parochial school - 教会, 清真寺和寺庙学校属于教区...
Picture of the low-dimensional structure of chaotic dripping faucet - Kiyono, Katsuyama, et al. - 2003 () Citation Context ...ystem that, if unstable, sends it into chaotic behaviour. The equations published by Shaw describing the motion are: and ∂ z = v ∂t 79B.P. Osborne and C...