CHAPTER 10 When his servant entered, he looked at him steadfastly and wondered if he had thought of peering behind the screen. The man was quite impassive and waited for his orders. Dorian lit a cigarette and walked over to the glass and glanced into it. He could see the refle...
CHAPTER 4 One afternoon, a month later, Dorian Gray was reclining in a luxurious arm-chair, in the little library of Lord Henry's house in Mayfair. It was, in its way, a very charming room, with its high panelled wainscoting of olive-stained oak, its cream-coloured frieze a...
Preface-Chapter 6 The Picture of Dorian Gray's plot begins with a painter,Basil Hallward, speaking to a friend,Lord Henry Wotton, about a portrait that Basil has just completed. The portrait is of a beautiful young man, Dorian Gray, with whom Basil is a little besotted. Dorian soon arriv...
As Dorian Gray was lighting a half-burned candle that was standing on the mantel-shelf, he saw that the whole place was covered with dust, and that the carpet was in holes. A mouse ran scuffling behind the wainscoting. There was a damp odor of mildew. "So you think that it is ...
Chapter 2 In the garden the leavesshonein the sunlight, and the flowers movedgentlyin the summer wind. The two young men saton a long seatunder the shadow of a tall tree. 'Before I go,' said Lord Henry, 'you must answer my question, Basil. Why won't you exhibit Dorian ...
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde chapter 3 - Audiobook Podcast Episode|26 min Edit pageAdd to list No summary details listed.Contribute to this page Status EditReleased Updated2024-11-17 Release date 十一月 17, 2024(United Kingdom) ...
Previous Chapter 9 Quiz The Picture of Dorian Gray: Chapter 10 Quiz 7 questions Next Chapter 11 Quiz Get 3 quizzes by signing up for a free account Test your knowledge of Chapter 10. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback. Why does Dorian decide to hide the ...
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde “CHAPTER 3” At half-past twelve next day Lord Henry Wotton strolled from Curzon Street over to the Albany to call on his uncle, Lord Fermor, a genial if somewhat rough-mannered old bachelor, whom the outside world called selfish because it deri...
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde | Summary & Analysis from Chapter 9/ Lesson 2 47K What is The Picture of Dorian Gray about? This lesson summarizes the story of Dorian Gray and explores characters, themes, and the book's author Oscar Wilde. ...