The underlying theme of Parasite is one of class distinction and social inequality. The tension builds more and more with each scene and the monetary differences between the haves and has not is always on the surface. Once the Kims get a taste of the good life they have no intention of be...
《老雷斯的故事》根据苏斯博士(Dr. Seuss)1971年出版的同名儿童故事书改编,主角是一个矮矮胖胖的小人,人们都叫他“老雷斯”(Lorax),这个角色由丹尼·德维托(Danny DeVito)配音。扎克·埃弗隆(Zac Efron)将为故事的另一个主人公,男孩泰德(Ted)配音;贝蒂·怀特(Betty White)将为“泰德”的祖母配音,她经常给泰...
In some cases, Best Picture winners look worse with the benefit of hindsight, as some films fade into obscurity while others remain relevant and rewatched decade after decade. In others, it was tough to justify the Academy’s choices from the very first moment the winning title was pulled ou...