On the night when the first pictures were shown at the garden, Mother allowed Henry and me to view this amazing new phenomenon — pictures that moved. We gaped in amazement at our first view of Niagara Falls in action; we fell in love with a beautiful creature who performed a “skirt da...
This systematic extermination of Jews lasted 7 long years, and as horrific as all this was, it is only a type picture of what is coming for the Jews in the very near future in an event the prophet Jeremiah calls the Time of Jacob’s Trouble...
coming out of the cave, first perceives reality as shadows, then as reflections in a pool, then stars and moon, and finally the sun. This is the role of the philosopher who must subsequently return to the cave to free the other prisoners. Unfortunately, as his eyes are now accustomed to...
Presently, this deceptive peace plan is floating under the radar as “God’s Dream” for the world, the church, and the coming “New Age.” But first, what exactly is the New Age? What Is the New Age? I was first introduced to the concept of “God’s Dream” and the “God’s D...
“Santa Claus is coming to town,” and “Twinkle Twinkle” coming from the graves of numerous persons while we walked in the beating sun, looking for Alejandro’s grave. David had then remarked to his mom that he didn’t need a musical card when he died. After hearing about David’s ...
"There was nothing evil in it, nothing shameful31. You were to me such an ideal as I shall never meet again. This is the face of a satyr." "It is the face of my soul." "Christ! what a thing I must have worshipped! It has the eyes of a devil." "Each of us has heave...
For, while he was but too ready to accept the position that was almost immediately offered to him on his coming of age, and found, indeed, a subtle pleasure in the thought that he might really become to the London of his own day what to imperial Neronian Rome the author of the Satyri...