magnetic resonance imaging of the spine revealed diffuse atrophy of the cervical and thoracic cord without any enhancement. adrenoleukodystrophy is an x-linked disorder of vlcfa metabolism with an estimated incidence of 1 in 21 000 males. the defective gene (abcd1), located on chromosome xq28, ...
Also, could compressive or tensional forces of cartilage and ligaments affect the neutral position of the cervical vertebra? (I believe Matt also alluded to this condition.) This is the longest question, but maybe the one I’m best positioned to comment on. First of all, the perennial quest...
The centrum length is 270 mm, compared to 642 mm for C14 of D. carnegii. Wedel and Taylor (2013), Figure 7. Alert readers may also recall BYU 12613, a posterior cervical that Mike and I called Diplodocus in our 2013 neural spine bifurcation paper, but which may actually pertain to ...
The poll is the area immediately behind the ears, and the underlying bones are the top of the skull bone and the cervical bones of the neck. In this area are many nerve endings and acupressure points. The poll area is where the bridle path (if one is clipped) begins. On some horses,...
It is in the neck where one of the major actions of the iliocostalis can be seen. When the muscle contracts laterally, or on one side only, it flexes the head and neck toward the side on which it is contracting. When the muscle contracts bilaterally — that is, when both sides are...
cervical spine and shoulder revealed high t2 signal intensity of the long thoracic, suprascapular, and axillary nerves and fatty atrophy of the muscles, confirming the diagnosis of parsonage-turner syndrome (pts) (otherwise known as brachial neuritis, neuralgic amyotrophy, and idiopathic brachial ...
The mountedRapetosaurusskeleton at the Field Museum, traced from a photo. Specific weird things to note: neck about twice as long as tail, cervical vertebrae about twice as tall as dorsals, and smallish pelvic bones relative to hindlimbs (= skinny posterior abdomen, at least dorsoventrally)...
This one shows cross-sections of the cord at cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral levels, for drawing ascending and descending pathways and thinking about how patterns of somatotopy come to exist. Somatotopy is the physical representation of the body in the central nervous system. A common abbr...
(according to Bagnall et al. 1977). Here’s a diagram from Schaefer et al. (2009: p.99) showing the separate centrum and neural arch elements in a thoracic vertebra of a human toddler. So, hey, cool, we all had boutons, just like sheep. And just like some sauropods. (You didn’...
Heck, maybe even bird lungs are simplified compared to their ancestral condition. Most birds have nine air sacs: paired cervical, anterior thoracic, posterior thoracic, and abdominal sacs, and an unpaired clavicular air sac. Some have reduced the number further through loss or fusion of adjacent ...