memo-opd2e 这篇书评可能有关键情节透露 Oxford Picture Dictionary 2e/3eSchool, Classroom, Studybleacher, principal, counselor, hallway, locker, cafeteria, auditorium; pick up the pencil, put down your pencilA church, mosque, or temple school is a parochial school - 教会, 清真寺和寺庙学校属于教区...
Deacon added. Polymer down in a deep hole in a molar in the back of the mouth will see curing-light intensity that is significantly different from that of a polymer in a shallow cavity in a tooth at the front of the mouth.
My upper tooth hurts 윗니가 아파요 winniga apayo My lower tooth is senstive 아랫니가 시려요 araenniga siryeoyo My gums hurt 잇몸이 아파요 inmomi apayo I think I have a cavity 충치가 생긴 것 같아요 chungchiga saengin geot gatayo I ...
Witmer, L.M. 1997. The evolution of the antorbital cavity of archosaurs: a study in soft-tissue reconstruction in the fossil record with an analysis of the function of pneumaticity. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 17(Supplement 1): 1-76. doi:10.59350/bvpaq-czq07 Posted by Matt Wedel F...
Witmer, L.M. 1997. The evolution of the antorbital cavity of archosaurs: a study in soft-tissue reconstruction in the fossil record with an analysis of the function of pneumaticity.Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology17(Supplement 1): 1-76. ...