While you’re cooking and eating, you might as well learn something about muscles. This shot of the fanned-out longus colli dorsalis muscles in a turkey neck was theraison d’etreforthis post, and turned up again with different muscles labeled inone of the recentApatosaurusmaquette review posts...
and definitely a sauropod. I remember the logic and evidence I used to reach each of those conclusions; I remember the certainty I felt in each one of those states; I remember the confidence that certainty gave me. But I think now that it was false confidence. I’m happy with the work...
Additionally, targeted exercises can help strengthen the pectoral muscles, which can give the breasts a lifted and more defined appearance. Chest presses, push-ups, and dumbbell flyes are a few examples of exercises that can be incorporated into a routine to help enhance the chest muscles and im...
Fortunately, there’s a rising-tide-floats-all-boats thing going on, and along with the more ornate varieties there are skulls done up as teaching aids, like these small ones that have the bones labeled. Here’s a close-up. If I had my druthers, I’d prefer “maxilla” and “mandible...
And a labeled version of the same. A few things to note: One oddity of sauropod axes (and of axes of most critters) is that not only are the articular facets of the prezygapophyses not set forward of the neural arch, they’re set backward, well behind the forward point of the arch...
Here’s a labeled version. From what I’ve been able to determine (i.e., shark people, please correct me if I’m wrong!), most shark teeth ‘lean’ away from the body midline. Upper teeth of megalodon tend to be very wide, with wide, shallow angles at the base, whereas lower tee...
I think that reconstructed shaft is wider than it should be, which is why I argued back in 2009 that “it is […] different from the humeri of bothB.altithoraxandB.brancai, although some of these differences may be due to errors in the significant restoration that this element has under...
I’m ashamed to say that I (for it was me) didn’t give that a ton of thought at the time: our point was just that the attachments areas for the muscles are bigger, so the muscles themselves were likely bigger. But the distinctive feature that apatosaurs added here is the dorsal pr...
A simplified diagram of the sauropod respiratory system. What I’ve labeled “air tubes” here are the pneumatic diverticula. Air holes in the vertebrae are also known as pneumatic foramina. The shapes of the lungs and air sacs are speculative, but the minimum extent of the pneumatic diverticul...
(1999: fig. 3) figured and labeled the epipophysis in one of the cervical vertebrae. The vertebra image in that figure is tiny (nice work, glam-magz!), so here are some sketches ofJobariamid-cervicals (from two different individuals) that I made back in the day when I was doing ...