While there is still much to be done, there have been tremendous strides made in increasing the diversity of children’s literature; however one area
For several years I regularly picketed my local Planned Parenthood clinic, as well as an occasional independent abortion clinic. During the “Summer of Mercy” (1991) organized by Operation Rescue, I was arrested along with a group of other pro-life activists at that same Planned Parenthood for...
The Littlemiracle Inside Thewomb; the Astonishing Picture That Shows How Well Deveoped a Foetus Is at 16 Weeks.Before the Legal Deadline for AbortionEllis, Rachel
The safety and future health of this baby was what the surgeon was indeed trying to promote with his procedure. That’s right, Rachel, a little human patient with a beating heart. He reached out of his mother’s womb and has touched many people’s hearts! Michael, I saw this picture ...
might survive the explosion of person into chaos? So why does it persist – my own huge ego-goblin I lust to sludge the womb of some “beyond” with? Why should the world indeed seem any lighter to anyone if I, too, whirl into countless fragments and away?
I was inside of her womb Pray she never see my tomb I don't think you understand I don't think you understand how hard it is sometimes I don't think you understand I don't think you understand I don't think you even know Picture me givin' up Like I don't give a *** *** ...
A prolapsed womb occurs when the uterus drops into the vagina due to weak pelvic muscles and loss of support. The condition is not usually serious and often does not require medical treatment. Common causes of a prolapsed womb include delivery problems or delivering a large baby, pelvic muscle...