Danison, Andy D., Wedel, Mathew J., Barta, Daniel E., Woodward, Holly N., Flora, Holley M., Lee, Andrew H., and Snively, Eric. 2024. Chimerism of specimens referred toSaurophaganax maximusreveals a new species ofAllosaurus(Dinosauria, Theropoda). Vertebrate Anatomy Morphology Palaeontology...
and I’m stoked about how much basic descriptive work remains to be done, because I’m an anatomy geek at heart, and describing weird anatomy is deeply satisfying for me, as is reading other people’s descriptions of weird
The kangaroo is a pouched mammal that hops and uses its muscular tail as a third leg. Its babies are called joeys. kangaroo rat The kangaroo rat is a small rodent from North America. Kansas Kansas is a state in the midwestern United States of America. Its capital is Topeka. ...
Parts of Speech Fiction The Test of Time Biology Animal Printouts Biology Label Printouts Biomes Birds Butterflies Dinosaurs Biology Continued Food Chain Human Anatomy Mammals Plants Rainforests Sharks Whales Physical Sciences: K-12 Astronomy The Earth Geology Hurricanes Landform...
You need the knees in good condition to ensure smooth movement. The knee is an important anatomy in the human body that comprises of the following: Bones: It has shin bone popularly known as tibia, a smaller bone called the fibula, femur the thigh bone, kneecap also known as the patella...
The skin is the body's largest organ covering the entire external surface. Learn the anatomy of the skin, as well as its functions and various conditions.
In Anatomy of Reality: Merging of Intuition and Reason (1983), 7, footnote b, as quoted and cited in Roger Frantz, Two Minds: Intuition and Analysis in the History of Economic Thought (2006), 7. Science quotes on: | Acquired (77) | Ask (420) | Cancer (61) | Cell (146) | ...
1TheHumanBody:AChildsFirstBookofAnatomyComprehensiveintroductiontothehumanbodyforyoungchildrenFeaturesdetailed,labeledillustrationsofthebodysorganizationsandsystemsIncludessimpleexplanationsofhowthebodyworksandwhateachpartdoesEncourageschildrentolearnmoreabouttheirbodiesandhowtheyfunction 03AnalysisandCharacteristicsofPictureBook...
This joint although it may appear so, is not actually analogous to the human ankle. The horse's leg, from the knee down, has no muscle and the structures are more like our fingers than our arms or legs. This is part of the reason too, that the fetlock is prone tostrain and injury...
O’Connor, P.M. 2006. Postcranial pneumaticity: an evaluation of soft-tissue influences on the postcranial skeleton and the reconstruction of pulmonary anatomy in archosaurs. Journal of Morphology 267: 1199-1226. Schachner, E.R., Lyson, T.R. and Dodson, P., 2009. Evolution of the respir...